How to use dog food in rainy season

  • user
  • May 19, 2023

How to use dog food in rainy season

We believe pets are family. And family deserves only the best.

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  • user
  • May 19, 2023

How to use dog food in rainy season

We believe pets are family. And family deserves only the best.

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  • user
  • May 18, 2023

How to use dog food in rainy season

We believe pets are family. And family deserves only the best.

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  • user
  • May 18, 2023

Dog health tips

1. Don’t overfeed your dog, it will significantly impact their health and happiness More than 50% of dogs in UAE are obese and this number is on the rise. Overweight dogs are at increased risk of metabolic abnormalities, cardiovascular disease, joint diseases, a lowered immune system, and many other health problems. They also are less mobile and can’t run, play, or do other activities as much as they’d like. Do your pet a favor, feed them the amount recommended by their vet and don’t give in to those puppy dogs eyes when they ask for more! 2. Touch your dog’s nose Your dog’s nose should feel wet. The level of moisture will vary between dogs and by time of year,[..]

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